
Travel with a future for all

International tourism is a huge industry that provides important sources of income in the destination countries, but overall contributes to global inequality between North and South. Relatively little remains in the destination itself, often at the cost of visible interventions and burdens on the ground for people and nature. The preservation of the natural living base is still trivialised by established mass tourism in view of the profits it hopes to make. The best example of this is tourist air travel, one of the biggest drivers of global warming: How are the real emissions of kerosene-based air traffic ever supposed to decrease if airlines and travel companies (above all else) have to grow? In the service of the rich economies, the travel business has ballooned into an artificial vacation spectacle in which only those who play along well earn well.

Travel with a future for all must look different: Travelling is far more than just a break from the daily work routine. It is no exaggeration to ascribe to travelling a key role in maintaining world peace and a potential for global justice. The tours we organise therefore focus on the personal and social values of travel; on what personally inspires and connects with others, lived hospitality.

We see a realistic evaluation of our activities as an important step in this process. Despite all the pitfalls of such an assessment, we simply go for travel with an overall positive impact for the destination. A sustainability strategy allows us to gradually refine the assessment and improve the impact of our activities. It is about nothing less than a new quality initiative of travel.

Berati Tours Albania is Travelife partner:


Here you can download

- our detailed Sustainability Policy 2020 - 2025 .pdf file.

- our latest Travelife sustainability report

The „Future of Tourism“ initiative

We stand with conviction behind the 13 guiding principles of the "Future of Tourism" initiative , which was founded in the interest of sustainable tourism practices worldwide.

Projects of community based development

We invent and realize projects in the fields of tourism, environmental education, nature conservation ("community based development"). Often the local communities themselves have the potential to take matters into their own hands and ensure better and sustainable living conditions on the ground. For this we want to raise local awareness, network activities and contribute with own projects. It is no coincidence that Berati Tours Albania emerged from a civil society initiative.

For your further questions or suggestions on the subject of travel & sustainability, please get in contact with us by our general contact form.

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